“Google can bring you back 100,000 answers.
A librarian can bring you back the right one.”
― Neil Gaiman
As the Assistant Director for Technology and Training, I manage two of the system's seven branches - the Morrow and Lovejoy locations. I am also responsible for the marketing, website, e-newsletter and social media for the entire library system. I also facilitate classes on a variety of topics including tech and web resources, MS Office Suite basics, 3D printing and design and tools for small business and entrepreneurs as seen in the videos below.
I am in charge of planning and facilitating Staff Development Day training sessions for the whole system. Six months out of the year, we gather as a whole staff for training and information sessions. Each SDD has a team building exercise, practical skills lesson and an opportunity for staff to ask questions anonymously through a system called "Digital Parking Lot". It's an updated version of an activity from my School/Teacher Librarian days where students could ask questions without the fear of being ridiculed by their classmates. I had a gut feeling that this same activity could be beneficial during SDD sessions so I tried and it has become a staple and a much anticipated part of our day. |
Scroll down to learn more about my work at the Clayton County Library System.
Join Mrs. Erica and Mrs. Marquita as they make yummy pumpkin muffins.
Library Social Media and Website Engagements
Using Data to Drive Business with Google Analytics |
Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs |